Webinar: The role of Intellectual Property for accelerating sustainable development

Out of all the business decisions before you today, there is one which will have a positive impact on the social, economic, health, or environmental aspects of your community, country, or even the world.

Sustainability is no longer an optional consideration – it is the only way to ensure a liveable planet for future generations while respecting the finite resources we have today.

Adjusting your Intellectual Property (IP) strategy is a route to accelerating your sustainable development goals.

No matter where you are in your sustainability journey, our webinar will give you the opportunity to think about how sustainability can connect to your current IP models, and how you can share IP differently to have a powerful impact on the world around you.

Who is the webinar for?

This webinar is for IP Managers, Sustainability Managers, R&D Managers, business Founders or Executives, or those in a senior in-house legal team position.

You are welcome to share this invitation with colleagues who have an interest in this topic.

What are we going to cover?

  • Fundamentals of sustainability and IP rights, to give all participants a common ground to stand on.
  • The UN’s 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and successful industry examples of using IP to implement one or more SDGs.
  • IP models – a toolbox of sharing mechanisms seen from a sustainability perspective.
  • Introducing an EIP workshop where we will work with you to apply those IP models and develop your own strategy.

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5th December 2023

17:00-18:00 (GMT)

18:00 CET, 12:00 ET, 11:00 CT, 09:00 PT

6th December 2023

09:00-10:00 (GMT)

10:00 CET, 18:00 JST & KST, 20:00 AEDT